CTT will be signing an MoU with Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Group to materialize the upcoming collaboration and engagement in Indonesia. Event will take place on 24th October 2016, in UPM-MTDC Technology Centre, Serdang, to be witnessed by MTDC and media. With this collaboration in place, we hope that Indonesian patients will benefit more of our technology […]
Monthly Archives: October 2016
Congratulations to CTT and MyDerm for being chosen as one of the finalists of this year’s Anugerah Inovasi Negara. MeDerm will be exhibting in the finale stage, so stay tuned! (taken from MOSTI FB page) NAK TAHU APA ITU INOVASI? INGIN LIHAT IDEA HEBAT ANAK WATAN?Saksikan para Finalis Anugerah Inovasi Negara 2016 (AIN 2016) mempamerkan idea-idea […]