Back Pain: Back pain can range from a dull muscle ache to a shooting and burning sensation. Simple actions such as lifting an object, standing, bending, and twisting can be excruciating.


Some conditions that cause back pain can be the result of an injury or activity, and sometimes medical complications

The usual cause of back pain is a strained muscle and sometimes, medical conditions for example, slipped disc, a trapped nerve or sciatica and ankylosing spondylitis can also be the reason. It is very uncommon that back pain is due to any serious problems such as broken bones, cancer, or infections of any kind.

​Back pain can be classified into acute, subacute, and chronic. Acute back pain occurs suddenly and only lasts for a few days or weeks while subacute can happen suddenly or develop over time and normally lasts around 4 to 12 weeks. Chronic back pain can either progress quickly or slowly however, lasts longer than the period of 12 weeks.   


  • Increasing pain with lifting and bending
  • Worsening pain when resting, sitting, or standing
  • Back pain that comes and goes
  • Stiffness in the morning when awakening and lessened back pain with activity
  • Pain that radiates away from the back into the buttocks, legs, or hips
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Severe back pain that does not improve with medication
  • Back pain after a fall or injury
  • Back pain along with:
    1. Trouble urinating
    2. Weakness, pain, or numbness in your legs
    3. Fever
    4. Weight loss that you did not intend


​Mechanical or structural problems:

    • Sprain, injury to the ligaments supporting the spine usually due to twisting or improper lifting
    • Strain, injury to muscle or tendon
    • Degenerative disc where aging results in the discs between the vertebrae of the spine breaking down
    • Herniated or ruptured discs where the discs are irritated and compressed by nerves close by. This normally occurs at the lumbar level
    • Spondylolisthesis where a vertebra located in the spine slips out of place
    • The spinal column narrows thus, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves or also known as spinal stenosis
    • Fractured vertebrae
    • Scoliosis or other congenital changes in the spine

​Inflammatory conditions:

    • Ankylosing spondylitis which is arthritis in the spine
    • Other forms of inflammatory arthritis of the spine​

​Other medical conditions:

    • Osteoporosis causing excruciating fractures in the vertebrae
    • Widespread muscle pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia
    • Infections or kidney stones
    • Buildup of uterine tissue outside of the uterus or endometriosis
    • Infection involving bones in the spine or discs between these bones
    • Rarely, a tumor that developed on the spine or any other areas in the back




  • Relief of pain
  • Improved quality of life
  • Convenience
  • Relief of pain
  • Improved quality of life
  • ​​Elimination of pain, allowing pain-free life
  • Increased range of motion, giving more freedom to do more physical things
  • Reduced intake of medications
  • Reduced possibility of further procedures and additional treatments
  • Minimally invasive options are available
  • Short-term solution. Only masks the pain but does not treat the source
  • Higher doses are needed over time, which can cause side effects and resistance
  • Can develop dependence and addiction
  • Does not treat the root of the cause
  • ​​Time-consuming
  • Inconvenient
  • Does not treat the root of the cause
  • Costly
  • Time-consuming
  • Inconvenient
  • Risks
  • Only several types of back pain can undergo surgery



CelltiMax is a product derived from human umbilical cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). The cells are cultured, then administered to the patient via intramuscular or intravenous injection.

The cells have low immunogenicity making them safe, well-tolerated and free of side effects. They have the ability to differentiate into specialized cells with specific functions for various parts of the body, and can reduce inflammation, repair, renew, regenerate, and replace damaged cells.


Stem Cell Research


How regenerative treatment such as stem cell treatment administered via injection can reduce back pain

For patients with low back pain, stem cell research offers a number of benefits and is an exciting and developing area of regenerative medicine.

Boost your body's innate capacity for self-healing. A wound on your skin will heal in a few days, but your damaged spine's discs lack the blood flow and capacity to draw in the specialized cells required for healing and regeneration.

Your body may renew healthy disc material and repair damaged disc material by administering your own (autologous) stem cells from your bone marrow to the injured spine disc. This reduces the discomfort associated with low back pain.

Restore Physical Function
The ultimate goal of stem cell research is to return patients to physical activity, play, and work, while avoiding the need for invasive spine surgery.


​If you feel we might be able to offer meaningful improvement to both your condition and your quality of life, then please reach out to schedule a free consultation with one of our in-house clinical experts. We offer consultations in both Malay and English. 

To schedule your consultation, click the button below

​During your consultation, we will: we will:

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps, ​if you feel we can effectively treat you

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps,
​if you feel we can effectively treat you