Blood Vessel Disease: Blood vessel or vascular disease is a condition that affects the blood vessels that distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and eliminate wastes from the body.


Blood vessel diseases are any conditions where the network of blood vessels are affected. This includes problems arising from arteries, veins and vessels that carry lymph besides the disruption in the movement of blood flow.

Different types of blood vessel diseases include

    • Aneurysm, which is bulging in the wall of the artery
    • Plaque accumulating inside arteries
    • Blood clots including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
    • Coronary and carotid artery diseases that narrow the artery due to plaque build up
    • Raynaud’s disease where the blood vessels narrow due to cold or stress
    • Stroke, that occurs once blood flow to the brain stops
    • Varicose veins which are swelling and twisting of the veins
    • Vasculitis is a condition where the blood vessels become inflamed


​Symptoms can vary according to the type of vascular disease. Among the general symptoms include:

    • Wound at pressure points that do not heal
    • Heavy, numb or weak muscles
    • Burning or aching pain in the toes that occur at night while lying down
    • Restriction in one’s mobility
    • Toenails that thicken and become opaque
    • Varicose veins


Embolus or thrombus which is the blocking of a blood vessel by either small debris or blood clot.

How embolus and thrombus are formed

Inflammation that can lead to narrowing and blocking of the blood vessels.

Trauma or injury that causes inflammation or infection thus, damaging and narrowing the blood vessels.

The process of how inflammation can cause blockage of blood vessels

Atherosclerosis where the arteries harden and thicken due to build up of plaque in the inner lining.

The formation of atherosclerosis



    • Nitroglycerin in the form of tablets, sprays and patches ease chest pain by relaxing the coronary arteries and improving blood flow
    • Beta blockers slow the heart rate and decrease blood pressure
    • Calcium channel blockers help the muscles around the coronary arteries to relax, causing the blood vessels to open thus, increasing blood flow to the heart. Calcium channel blockers also control high blood pressure and coronary artery spasms
    • Statins lower bad cholesterol contributing to the narrowing of the arteries. Statins also help the blood vessels of the heart relax and treat blood vessel damage
    • Drugs called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) help open blood vessels and lower blood pressure. This makes it easier for the heart to pump blood
    • Ranolazine eases chest pain via alteration of both sodium and calcium levels
    • Aspirin can limit inflammation and prevent blood clots
    • Metformin can improve blood vessel health even in those who don’t have diabetes

Changes in one’s lifestyle

    • Eating a heart-healthy diet
    • Getting more exercise

Non-surgical procedures

    • Angioplasty
    • Stenting
    • Vein ablation




CelltiMax is a product derived from human umbilical cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). The cells are cultured, then administered to the patient via intramuscular or intravenous injection.

The cells have low immunogenicity making them safe, well-tolerated and free of side effects. They have the ability to differentiate into specialized cells with specific functions for various parts of the body, and can reduce inflammation, repair, renew, regenerate, and replace damaged cells.


Stem Cell Research


How different types of stem cells contribute to vascular repair

Hemopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), circulating and resident endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) detect activation signals such as altered shear stress, acute ischemic, and anoxic injury.

The different types of stem cells migrate to the damaged site and differentiate into endothelial cells.

These cells also generate paracrine signals for example vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and stromal cell derived factor (SCDF) which initiates the vessel regeneration process.


​If you feel we might be able to offer meaningful improvement to both your condition and your quality of life, then please reach out to schedule a free consultation with one of our in-house clinical experts. We offer consultations in both Malay and English. 

To schedule your consultation, click the button below

​During your consultation, we will: we will:

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps, ​if you feel we can effectively treat you

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps,
​if you feel we can effectively treat you