1. Introduction
This policy is intended to address Cell Tissue Technology Sdn Bhd (“CTT” or “the Company”). Sustainability encompasses all aspects of ethical business practices, addressing relevant Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues responsibly and profitably.
2. Objectives
This policy aims to:
2.1. Endeavour to integrate the principles of sustainability into the Company’s strategies, policies and procedures;
2.2. Promote sustainable practices;
2.3. Ensure that the Board and senior management are involved in implementation of this policy and review the sustainability performance; and
2.4. Create a culture of sustainability within the Company, and the community, with an emphasis on integrating the environmental, social and governance considerations into decision making and the delivery of outcomes.
3. Social Sustainability
Social sustainability is focused on the development of programs and processes that promote social interaction and cultural enrichment. It emphasizes protecting the vulnerable, respecting social diversity and ensuring that the Company put priority on social capital.
3.1. To maintain a safe and healthy workforce;
3.2. To recruit and retain high potential and high performing employees;
3.3. To use training and development as a strategic investment and a way of shaping culture and behaviour in the Company;
3.4. To enable employees to further develop their professional and personal skills;
3.5. To promote racial harmony and prevent racial discrimination;
3.6. To prevent sexual harassment and other forms of violence against women;
3.7. To be recognised as a good corporate citizen;
3.8. To align our charitable giving with the Company’s activities;
3.9. To actively encourage our people to get involved in the charity work;
3.10. To respond in a professional and timely manner to public enquiries;
3.11. To continue improve public perception and experience of the Company; and
4. Environmental Sustainability
The Company is committed to identify, manage and minimise the environmental impact of business operations.
4.1. To reduce consumption of non-renewable, non-recycled materials;
4.2. To pursue and encourage the use of renewable resources;
4.3. To minimise the level of pollutants entering into the air and water from daily business operations;
4.4. To comply with environmental regulatory and legal requirements;
4.5. To create an ever-increasing awareness of this policy within the Company and stakeholders.
5. Governance Sustainability
Governance sustainability is becoming more essential in gaining the confidence of investors, other stakeholders and the public. The Company recognises the important of governance sustainability and incorporating it into all functions and processes which include strategic planning, accountability, sustainable planning and development.
5.1. To ensure sustainability forms an integral part of the Strategic Planning;
5.2. To enhance sustainability through regular updates of strategies, policies, procedures and provide relevant training;
5.3. To establish and continue to improve appropriate governance structures and processes;
5.4. To assess the impacts and outcomes of sustainability; and
5.5. To plan for long term resources including human and financial.
6. Reports and Disclosures
The Company will a set of long term and short term targets for our sustainability efforts. The targets must be along with metrics for measurement, tracking and reporting. The Company will integrate the metrics into the Company’s performance management as part of the sustainability strategy.
The Company will compile reports on sustainability performance on a periodic basis and disclose the results to the public.
This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Company.
Founded in 2010, Cell Tissue Group is a pioneering Malaysian medical technology company and a spin-off from the National University of Malaysia (UKM). As Malaysia’s first Tissue Engineering firm, Cell Tissue Group operates within a certified cGMP laboratory, ensuring the highest standards of medical research and product development, particularly in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.
Founded in 2010, Cell Tissue Group is a pioneering Malaysian medical technology company and a spin-off from the National University of Malaysia (UKM). As Malaysia’s first Tissue Engineering firm, Cell Tissue Group operates within a certified cGMP laboratory, ensuring the highest standards of medical research and product development, particularly in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.
Proudly powered by CTG © 2010-2025 Cell Tissue Group, a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Spin-Off Company. – All Rights Reserved.