Diabetic Retinopathy: Diabetes causes diabetic retinopathy, which is an eye disease. Diabetes can have an impact on your eye care, making frequent eye exams even more necessary. Vision loss can be caused by damaged blood vessels as well as abnormal new ones. 


Diabetes can cause diabetic retinopathy, an eye illness that occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the retina. These damaged vessels can leak, close off, or form new, abnormal vessels, which can lead to vision loss.

It is crucial for people with diabetes to have regular, comprehensive eye exams, at least once a year, to detect diabetic retinopathy early. As diabetic retinopathy often has no early symptoms, early detection is key to preserving vision. 


In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy, there are usually no symptoms. Some people notice changes in their eyesight, such as difficulty reading or seeing distant objects. These modifications may come and go. Blood vessels in the retina begin to bleed into the vitreous in the later stages of the disease (the gel-like fluid that fills your eye). If this occurs, you may notice dark, floating spots or streaks that resemble cobwebs. Sometimes the spots go away on their own, but it’s critical to seek treatment right away. Scars at the rear of the eye can occur if not treated. Blood vessels may begin to bleed again, or the bleeding may worsen.



Illustration of Diabetic Retinopathy in eye.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by elevated blood sugar levels associated with diabetes. High levels of sugar in the bloodstream can damage the retina over time. The retina is the part of the eye that detects light and sends visual information to the brain via the optic nerve.

Diabetes also causes damage to blood vessels throughout the body. In the eyes, sugar clogs the tiny blood vessels that lead to the retina, causing them to leak fluid or bleed. As a result, the eyes grow new blood vessels that are weak and easily leak or bleed which can lead to vision loss if left untreated.


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Illustration of Diabetic Retinopathy in eye.

Your eye doctor will probably only keep track of how your eyes are doing in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy. Some diabetic retinopathy patients may require a complete dilated eye exam every 2 to 4 months. It is critical to begin treatment as soon as possible in the later stages, especially if you experience alterations in your eyesight. While treatment will not restore your vision, it will prevent it from deteriorating. It’s also critical to managing your diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

I) Injections:
Medicines called anti-VEGF drugs can slow down or reverse diabetic retinopathy. Other medicines, called corticosteroids, can also help.

II) Laser treatment:
To reduce swelling in your retina, eye doctors can use lasers to make the blood vessels shrink and stop leaking.

III) Eye surgery:
If your retina is bleeding a lot or you have a lot of scars in your eye, your eye doctor may recommend a type of surgery called a vitrectomy.



​​CelltiX is a type of extracellular vesicle from Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) manufactured in a cGMP-compliant facility. It is a novel form of a major paracrine factor released by MSCs into a culture medium, which plays an important role in a wide range of biological processes.


CelltiMax is a product derived from human umbilical cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). The cells are cultured, then administered to the patient via intramuscular or intravenous injection.

The cells have low immunogenicity making them safe, well-tolerated and free of side effects. They have the ability to differentiate into specialized cells with specific functions for various parts of the body, and can reduce inflammation, repair, renew, regenerate, and replace damaged cells.






Stem cells are unspecialized cells of the human body.

Extracellular vesicles, which is the medical term for tiny bubbles that are released from stem cells.


Unique, can become any type of cell, and they act as both building blocks and repair mechanisms in your body.

Carry genetic information and proteins to cells throughout your body, and they create paths for communication between cells.


Donor stem cells are placed in your body and are guided into becoming specific cells in the body to replace and repair diseased cells.

Exosomes are extracted from donated human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and sterilized.

Growth Factors

Less amount of growth factors compared to exosomes.

Exosomes contain nearly three times the amount of growth factors. More growth factors mean a better ability to restore and revitalize target cells.


    • IV Stem Cell Research (Intravenous administration)
    • Intrathecal (directly into the spinal canal)
    • Site injections into problem areas (Knee, hips, hands, etc)
    • Intravenous (IV) research
    • Direct injection in the treatment area




​​Accelerates healing.

​Reduced inflammation

​Eliminates pain and inflammation

​Supports metabolic function

​Enhances collagen production

​Improves brain health

​Decrease nerve damage

​Reduces chronic pain

​Less invasive procedure

​Enhances tissue regeneration

​Less invasive procedure

Boost immune health



Displays the Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of Retinal Diseases

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have been extensively researched for the treatment of a variety of retinal diseases. MSCs’ therapeutic potential stems from their ability to differentiate into multiple lineages and secretomes rich in immunomodulatory, anti-angiogenic, and neurotrophic factors. Several studies have reported the role of MSCs in retinal repair and regeneration, with MSC-secreted factors preventing retinal degeneration and improving retinal morphology and function.

​MSCs also donate mitochondria to help retinal cells function, and exosomes secreted by MSCs have been shown to have anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory properties. Based on promising preclinical results, several clinical trials were launched to investigate the potential benefits of MSCs for the treatment of retinal diseases. This review summarises the various properties of MSCs that aid in the repair and restoration of damaged retinal cells, as well as their potential for treating retinal degenerative diseases.


​If you feel we might be able to offer meaningful improvement to both your condition and your quality of life, then please reach out to schedule a free consultation with one of our in-house clinical experts. We offer consultations in both Malay and English. 

To schedule your consultation, click the button below

​During your consultation, we will: we will:

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps, ​if you feel we can effectively treat you

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps,
​if you feel we can effectively treat you