Exercise is essential for good health, but people are frequently injured while participating in sports or other physical activities. A sports injury is damage to a body part caused by sports, exercise, or athletic activities.

Sports injuries are common and can affect bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other structures throughout the body. Many minor injuries can be treated at home with rest, ice, compression, elevation, and over-the-counter pain medications. However, some injuries require medical attention, such as immobilization, physical therapy, and surgery. A sports injury can be either acute (sudden and severe) or chronic (developing over time).


The signs and symptoms of a sports injury depend on the type of injury. Common symptoms

    • Aches, pain, or tenderness.
    • Bruising.
    • Deformity, such as a bone or joint looking out of place.
    • Decreased range of motion.
    • Grinding, cracking, clicking, or popping noise.
    • Inability to bear weight on your hip, leg or foot.
    • Skin that’s warm to the touch.
    • Stiffness or weakness.
    • Swelling.
    • Trouble moving a body part normally (for example, you can’t move it as far or it locks up when you try to move).


Sports injuries have many causes, including:

    • Accidents, such as a fall.
    • Bad habits with exercise, such as not warming up or stretching enough.
    • Lack of safety equipment, or gear that’s damaged or worn incorrectly.
    • Shoes that don’t fit well or provide enough support.
    • Sudden start to an exercise program or significant increase in physical activity that your body isn’t used to.


Treatment for sports injuries varies greatly depending on the type and severity of the injury. Many sports injuries can be healed in a matter of days or weeks with rest and at-home care. However, for more serious injuries, treatment may include:

    • Immobilization with a cast, splint, sling, walking boot or other medical device.
    • Injections to reduce swelling and pain.
    • Prescription anti-inflammatory medications.
    • Surgery to correct fractures or repair ligament, tendon or cartilage tears.
    • Physical therapy (also called rehabilitation or rehab) to heal and strengthen injured body parts.

Another than that , The RICE method is a common treatment regimen for sports injuries. It stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This method of treatment is beneficial for minor sports injuries. Follow the RICE method within the first 24 to 36 hours after an injury for the best results. It can help reduce swelling and prevent further pain and bruising in the days following a sports injury.



Stem cells are the body’s raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are created. MSCs, adult stem cells, are one of the most extensively studied cell types for regenerative therapies. Adult stem cells have self-renewal, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, signaling, and differentiation properties. Due to their regenerative effects, MSCs are very effective for many autoimmune and inflammatory medical conditions, making our standardized protocol suitable for many patients.


MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) have already demonstrated therapeutic potential in animal models and human clinical trials for the treatment of a variety of degenerative disorders, including those related to muscle. MSCs can modulate and repair the abnormal condition of the myocytes (muscle cells).

There are several explanations for the role of MSCs in the treatment of muscle weakness. In vitro, MSCs can differentiate into specifically interested cells. When introduced into the body, they stimulate tissue repair by protecting it from programmed cell death and/or modulating inflammation (the underlying pathological process in many disorders), as well as forming new blood vessels via secretory molecules. MSCs are known to produce and secrete growth factors, cytokines, mRNA, and other biologically active molecules that provide functional benefits.


Beneficial Actions of Stem Cells for Muscle Weakness

Results Achieved with Stem Cell Treatment for Muscle Weakness

​Cross the endothelial brain barrier

Enhanced immunity

Migrate to sites of injury

​Improved metabolism

​Communicate with and alter nearby cells

Reduced repetition

​Encourage existing cells to self-repair

Increased communication ability

​Immune modulation

​Improved memory and learning capacity

​Transform into neurons

Improvements in verbal skills, writing skills, self-care skills, attention span, and concentration

​Promote the formation of nerve cell axons

Tolerance of different foods



​If you feel we might be able to offer meaningful improvement to both your condition and your quality of life, then please reach out to schedule a free consultation with one of our in-house clinical experts. We offer consultations in both Malay and English. 

To schedule your consultation, click the button below

​During your consultation, we will: we will:

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps, ​if you feel we can effectively treat you

Review your medical history & recent evaluations

Explore what your treatment package might look like​

Answer any questions you have about us

Answer any questions you have about the therapies

Discuss practical next steps,
​if you feel we can effectively treat you